Head outside the Cathedral and go right instead of left, and you will find a large building with hollows and secret doors that lead to the Murky Longstaff. The Murky Longstaff can be upgraded with Titanite and can be found after the Dreg Heap bonfire after the two Cathedral Knights in the cathedral. You can find it after going up some small stairs behind some bookcases. The Murky Hand Scythe can be infused with regular Titaniate and is found on a corpse in the Dreg Heap after falling through the glass into the large cathedral. After fighting some enemies, dropping down to another area and killing more enemies, you'll find the weapon on a corpse at the very end of the path.

You'll be safe even if it looks like a long drop down. Keep going down the area straight even past the Dreg spellcaster and drop down into the opening on the right. The Lothric War Banner can be upgraded with Titanite and can be found after the Dreg Heap bonfire right before the Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire where you meet Lapp for the first time. Once you geet all the way up, head right and you'll find another passage leading upwards to a large room. When you get to the large swamp area right before the Ringed City Streets bonfire, if you turn left you'll find a long ladder leading up. Ledo's Great Hammer is upgraded with Twinkling Titanite and can be found by defeating Silver Knight Ledo after the Ringed Inner Walls bonfire.

Don’t try to push it – just focus on staying alive until you have an opportunity to land two or three hits. If you’re not one for magic, you should use a lightning-infused weapon (or Lightning Arrow miracle) and aim for the head. Several castings later, he’ll be down for the count. Simply get under him, cast it, then run circles around him and try to dodge his attacks. If you’re playing a sorcerer, you can cheese him using Pestilent Mercury, a sorcery sold by Orbeck of Vinheim. The second encounter is the harder of the two.

Get behind the rock you used earlier until he calms down, then finish him off. When he gets down to 30% health, he’ll go crazy. After the flames die down, go back to the left hand and slash away. When he moves, run to the outcrop where he keeps his left hand and stay there. After he stops breathing fire, run up to him and attack his right hand and keep near the cliff. When you reach him for the first time, hide behind the rock on the left.