Moreover, you’d be wondering whether the Japanese version of World Heroes Mission had actually a post-credits scene. Did that movie take a post-credits look at the Japanese version? Did you get that reduced? You also know who the voice actor / seiyuu cast is, while each character is still fresh in your mind.

Whether you like Sakuga or not, it’s always interesting to see whether you can recognize some of the people who participated in anime films. With that being said, I’ll definitely suggest if you try to verify some of the staff’s roll, that’s good. There was no film before release, and there was no mention of a post-credit scene in the movie on Twitter and social media – who have already seen it on Twitter and social media.

In the new film My Hero Academia there is no post-accredited scene. Is there an after credits scene in My Hero, 3? New Ocean the Divine Force | Terror of the Universe Oct 2021 Debut Trailer Utilities, I.286. The Divine Force in the Star Ocean | The Situation of the Sun Oct 2021 Trailer to show the Debut!